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Jean-Baptiste Gamichon

Jean-Baptiste Gamichon (1760-1835) was a French cabinet maker.

Based in Paris, working right at the start and through the Revolution, his workshops were in rue Mauconseil and later rue de Cléry, from 1790 until 1805. Gamichon represented one of the few remaining great, French cabinet makers in a declining industry. 

Working predominantly in the finest mahogany available, few examples of his work are seen. Certainly his work came highly acclaimed, in 1811 his name was on a list recommended and recorded to the Imperial Garde-Meuble who acquired pieces directly from the best cabinet makers, storing them to supply Imperial palaces, chateaus, government buildings and embassies when required.

Most known pieces by Gamichon are in the Empire style and, with the removal of Guild Privileges, allowed him to mark his pieces; most marked with a stamp ‘GAMICHON A PARIS’ usually either side of a lock (on a drawer for instance.

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Gamichon A Paris Bonheur du Jour