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Cary, The Strand, London

Cary, The Strand, London

William Cary was born in 1759, the third of four brothers to George and Mary Cary. The eldest, George, was a haberdasher, John a map maker and the youngest, Francis, an engraver.

William served his apprenticeship under Jesse Ramsden, arguably one of the finest instrument makers in England, and went on to produce fine instruments himself, working alongside his brother John. They produced telescopes, microscopes, navigation and surveying equipment, mechanical calculators and measuring instruments.

Working out of The Strand, London, England, Cary's equipment was well regarded and used globally, in particular in India and Russia. They went on to produce instruments for contemporaries such as the chemist William Hyde Wollaston.

After his death in November of 1825, the firm was taken over by Charles Gould.

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